Kuba unter Raúl Castro: 25 Gründe hoffnungsvoll zu sein

24.06.2008 12:24
#1 Kuba unter Raúl Castro: 25 Gründe hoffnungsvoll zu sein
Rey/Reina del Foro

Zitat von Council on Hemispheric Affairs
Cuba under Raúl Castro: 25 Reasons to be Hopeful

In February 2008, longtime Cuban president Fidel Castro transferred power to his younger brother Raúl, sparking a worldwide dialogue among political scientists, policy makers, journalists, scholars, and ordinary citizens regarding the implications of the first transition of power seen on the island in almost five decades. Most would agree that Havana, in fact, has carried out several changes, but the ultimate significance of these reforms and the prospect of a broadening and deepening of Cuban democracy are still being widely debated. Some, like the Bush administration, believe that the recent changes do not signal a transition into a more representative, democratic government because of continued instances of repression and state control over the economy and the Cuban people. Others maintain that the overall combination of the numerous structural changes occurring on the island should be seen as a precursor to a democratic future. Still others believe that Raúl Castro is merely a transitional figure who is solely preoccupied with maintaining stability, due to concerns that Fidel Castro’s death could destabilize a system that has revolved around him since its inception.

The Cuban Revolution awarded power to a charismatic leader who permeated every aspect of Cuban society during his 48-year rule. Fidel’s resignation has left Raúl with the difficult task of continuing a system based on fidelismo without Fidel. It is undeniable that Raúl’s primary concern has been the establishment of an effective succession mechanism to guarantee a peaceful and stable transition of power. After all, the 77-year old Raúl will not enjoy as long a presidency as his brother did. However, to overlook the value and prospects of the reforms implemented by Raúl would be a mistake of the highest order. ...

La vida debería ser amarilla... amar y ya.


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24.06.2008 13:32
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#2 RE: Kuba unter Raúl Castro: 25 Gründe hoffnungsvoll zu sein
ehemaliges mitglied ( gelöscht )

Da ist viel wahres dran......... also abwarten und auf sein baldiges Ende hoffen...


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