Obama in Kuba - Drei Monate später

27.06.2016 22:23
#1 Obama in Kuba - Drei Monate später
Rey/Reina del Foro

Obama in Cuba: Three Months Later

In Cuba, time goes by slowly. Raul Castro proudly declares he moves without rush. Cubans have been waiting 57 years, so in three month nothing usually happens apart from queues, boring meetings, soap operas, propaganda, spinning out the ridiculous salaries and pensions, and selling in the black market. But the three months elapsed since Obama’s almost three-days’ visit have run full of unusual events.


La vida debería ser amarilla... amar y ya.


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28.06.2016 15:00
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#2 RE: Obama in Kuba - Drei Monate später
Rey/Reina del Foro

Was solls, Politiker sind überall gleich 'schnell': Briten, Kubaner...

P. Kropotkin: Competition is the law of the jungle but cooperation is the law of civilisation.


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