New York Times: Die kubanische Komponente der Proteste in Venezuela

26.03.2014 18:12
#1 New York Times: Die kubanische Komponente der Proteste in Venezuela
Rey/Reina del Foro

Protesting in Venezuela, With Antipathy Toward Cuba’s Government

CARACAS, Venezuela — Enraged as they are by their nation’s leaders, many of the protesters who have spilled onto Venezuela’s streets have their eyes fixed on another government altogether, one they resent perhaps just as bitterly as their own: Cuba’s.

The Cuban government and its president, Raúl Castro, they contend, have leeched off Venezuela’s oil wealth, grafted Cuba’s rigid brand of socialism onto their country and helped choreograph a broad crackdown on dissent.

Their rancor is echoed by the Cuban opposition, which has thrown itself behind the Venezuelan protesters’ cause with gusto, sharing photos and videos of protests and police abuse on Twitter, urging Venezuelans to resist and even rapping an apology for what they call Cuba’s meddling.

La vida debería ser amarilla... amar y ya.


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17.04.2014 18:46 (zuletzt bearbeitet: 17.04.2014 18:47)
#2 RE: New York Times: Die kubanische Komponente der Proteste in Venezuela
Rey/Reina del Foro

Lustiges Gerücht, dessen Wahrheitsgehalt ich persönlich gegen Null gehend einschätze: Die USA, Kuba und Teile des MUD hätten einen Pakt geschlossen, Parlamentspräsident und Chefdrogenhändler Cabello loszuwerden. Die Ölgesellschaft PDVSA soll nach Wünschen der Kubaner (sic!) von Chevron geführt werden:

Informe secreto devela pacto entre Cuba USA y MUD para sacudirse a Diosdado Cabello


El Abogado Venezolano litigante con 40+ años de experiencia. Especialista en Derecho Procesal, Penal, Civil y Derecho Constitucional, Carlos Ramirez López aseguró a través de su cuenta twitter que Cuba, USA y un sector de la MUD pactaron para acabar con la red de narcotráfico amparada a la sombra de Diosdado Cabello Presidente de la AN.
Aqui sus tweets:

La vida debería ser amarilla... amar y ya.


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