'The Economist' mit ausführlichem Sonderbericht zu Kuba

23.03.2012 10:09 (zuletzt bearbeitet: 23.03.2012 10:31)
#1 'The Economist' mit ausführlichem Sonderbericht zu Kuba
Rey/Reina del Foro

Sehr gut recherchierte Analysen zu Kuba, heute als 'special report' im Londoner Wochenmagazin für Politik und Wirtschaft:

Zitat von The Economist, 23.03.2012
Revolution in retreat
Under Raúl Castro, Cuba has begun the journey towards capitalism. But it will take a decade and a big political battle to complete
Politics: Grandmother's footsteps
With no sign of a Cuban spring, change will have to come from within the party
Inequality: The deal's off
Inequalities are growing as the paternalistic state is becoming ever less affordable
Population: Hasta la vista, baby
The population is shrinking, ageing — and emigrating
The economy: Edging towards capitalism
Why reforms are slow and difficult
Cuban-Americans: The Miami mirror
Cubans on the other side of the water are slowly changing too
After the Castros: The biological factor
Who and what will follow Raúl?

The Castros, Cuba and America: On the road towards capitalism
Change is coming to Cuba at last. The United States could do far more to encourage it

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