Kubanischer Flüchtling will Geld zurück

02.07.2008 10:48
#1 Kubanischer Flüchtling will Geld zurück
Rey/Reina del Foro

Zitat von Miami Herald/AP
Police find 20 Cubans at Mexico home

CANCUN, Mexico --
Police found 20 Cuban migrants hidden at two safe houses in the Mexican resort city of Cancun on Tuesday.

One of the migrants said they had paid $15,000 each to be smuggled to the United States. As he was being removed from the house, the Cuban told police he wanted his money back.


La vida debería ser amarilla... amar y ya.


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02.07.2008 18:56
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#2 RE: Kubanischer Flüchtling will Geld zurück
don olafio ( gelöscht )

Ein Fall für die Verbraucherzentrale!

Don Olafio


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