Kuba will sich bald endgültig von Windows "befreien"

18.09.2007 14:25
avatar  don olafio ( gelöscht )
#1 Kuba will sich bald endgültig von Windows "befreien"
don olafio ( gelöscht )

Kuba will sich bald endgültig von Windows "befreien"

Der Inselstaat Kuba will sich im Rahmen seiner Bemühungen um Unabhängigkeit von westlichen Unternehmen schon seit langem von Microsoft und seinen Produkten "befreien". Nun stehen die Vorbereitungen für einen Wechsel auf das freie Betriebssystem Linux und andere Open-Source-Produkte offenbar vor dem Abschluss.

Laut Berichten örtlicher Medien hat man bereits über 3800 Techniker ausgebildet, die den Wechsel auf freie Software durchführen sollen. Die Techniker wurden innerhalb von viermonatigen Intensivkursen dafür geschult, Microsofts Windows durch Linux zu ersetzen.
Die Vorbereitungen begannen schon Ende 2005.............


Don Olafio


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18.09.2007 16:28
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#2 RE: Kuba will sich bald endgültig von Windows "befreien"
( Gast )

In Antwort auf:
Die Techniker wurden innerhalb von viermonatigen Intensivkursen dafür geschult, Microsofts Windows durch Linux zu ersetzen.

Techniker auszubilden ist eins aber was machen die Anwender? Diese müssen auch geschult werden! Das wird ne ganz schöne Umstellung.


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18.09.2007 20:39
#3 RE: Kuba will sich bald endgültig von Windows "befreien"
sehr erfahrenes Mitglied

Traurig, traurig,

Ich behaupte einfach mal, dass Fidel die Zusammenhänge versteht aber seine doofen Funktionäre einfach nix mitbekommen.

Ohne Microsoft, Currywurscht und McDoof keine openHamburger Entwicklung. Es braucht immer eine treibende Kraft um etwas zu bewegen.

Nur verwunderlich ist, wo Fidel in den letzten Jahren seinen cuba.cu Server gehostet hat: http://toolbar.netcraft.com/site_report?url=cuba.cu

Immerhin schon immer auf freeBSD... sehr lobenswert, also hat er doch ein paar fitte Typen.

El Mojito

|(@) |(@)"""**|(@)(@)****|(@)


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27.09.2007 12:21
#4 TECHNOLOGY-CUBA: Widespread Resistance to Free Software
Rey/Reina del Foro

TECHNOLOGY-CUBA: Widespread Resistance to Free Software
HAVANA, Sep 21 (IPS) - Although Cuba proclaimed its intention to change its computer operating systems for free software in 2005, the shift seems to depend more on the efforts of a small community of enthusiasts than on the state agencies that are officially in charge.

The overwhelming majority of this Caribbean island nation’s computers run on illegal copies of the Windows operating system, produced by United States software giant Microsoft, and use pirated versions of programmes for which no license fees are paid, which are also in effect free to users.

"There’s still a great deal of resistance to the change," acknowledged Yudivián Almeida, a professor in the mathematics and computer science department at the University of Havana. In his view, Cubans are impervious to the argument that free software costs nothing, because the U.S. embargo of the island means it is obliged to ignore licence fees anyway.

"We need to talk about freedom, about knowing exactly what you’re using, and having the opportunity to adapt the software to your needs," Almeida, who coordinates the Free Software and Linux User Group at the university, told IPS.

In Almeida’s view, apart from the millions of dollars in license fees that Cuba would have to pay if its relations with Washington are normalised, progress in the country’s IT industry depends on having licenses that are recognised by the international market, and at the moment only free software meets that condition.

"At one point we started using proprietary software on the principle that Cuba has a right to develop," said Almeida. "But now that there is an alternative, why should we continue to use it?"

The General Public License (GPL) created by U.S. software developer and software freedom activist Richard Stallman states that free software must comply with four freedoms: the freedom to run the programme for any purpose; the freedom to study how the programme works and adapt it to your needs; the freedom to redistribute copies so you can help others; and the freedom to improve the programme and release your improvements to the public, so that the whole community benefits.

Stallman visited Havana in February for an international IT event, and took the opportunity to recommend changing over to free software. "The main obstacle is social inertia, but Cuba is experienced in fighting major obstacles," he told the newspaper Juventud Rebelde.

In May 2005, the head of the Office for Computerising Cuban Society, Roberto del Puerto, announced that the government was preparing for its central administration offices to switch to free software, specifically the GNU/Linux system, which uses the Linux kernel written by Linus Torvalds of Finland in 1991.

A national group was formed for this purpose, including representatives of the ministries of education, justice, interior, higher education and the armed forces, the customs service, the Office for Computerising Cuban Society, the Computer Sciences University, the University of Havana and the José A. Echeverría Institute.

Two years later, in July 2007, the deputy minister of IT and Communications, Jorge Luis Perdomo, told Juventud Rebelde that using free software is part of a strategy to attain technological sovereignty, and is a "pillar of national security."

According to Perdomo, gradually weaning off of Windows is a challenge "as much in terms of material resources as in terms of training. At the moment organisational and security aspects are being structured so as to create the necessary conditions to facilitate the changeover in the country’s institutions."

So far, only the customs service has adopted the GNU/Linux system on all of its computers, although servers at the electronic health information network Infomed, and at the University of Havana, have also been using GNU/Linux since the mid-1990s.

La vida debería ser amarilla... amar y ya.


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