Frau Bischof in Havanna

12.02.2007 19:25
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#1 Frau Bischof in Havanna
don olafio ( gelöscht )

Cuba Episcopalians have 1st woman bishop

By JOHN RICE, Associated Press Writer

HAVANA - The Episcopal Church has named a woman as bishop in Cuba, the first such appointment by the church in the developing world, church officials said Tuesday. he Rev. Nerva Cot Aguilera was named suffragan bishop on Sunday during a service in the Cuban city of Matanzas, said Robert Williams, director of communications for the U.S.-based Episcopal Church.

"Her appointment is a wonderful reminder that in some nations, leadership is primarily about gifts for service and not about gender," said U.S. Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori, who took office in November as the first woman to lead the church...

Don OLafio


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