Hurrikansaison 2013: Kuba erwartet 17 tropische Wirbelstürme

22.05.2013 22:40
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#1 Hurrikansaison 2013: Kuba erwartet 17 tropische Wirbelstürme
Rey/Reina del Foro

Hurrikansaison 2013: Kuba erwartet 17 tropische Wirbelstürme

Neun Stürme könnten Hurrikan-Stärke erreichen

Das meteorologische Institut von Kuba erwartet für die am 1. Juni beginnende “Atlantische Hurrikansaison 2013″ die Bildung von 17 tropischen Wirbelstürmen. Die Wissenschaftler gaben am Dienstag (21.) in Havanna bekannt, dass “höchstwahrscheinlich” neun der Stürme Hurrikan-Stärke erreichen werden.

Nos vemos


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23.05.2013 20:04
#2 RE: Hurrikansaison 2013: Kuba erwartet 17 tropische Wirbelstürme
Rey/Reina del Foro

NOAA predicts active 2013 Atlantic hurricane season

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) issued its first outlook for overall seasonal activity in the Atlantic basin today. The outlook calls for an active or even extremely active season, with a predicted range of 13-20 named storms, 6-11 hurricanes, and 3-6 major hurricanes. These are all above the seasonal averages of 12 named storms, 6 hurricanes, and 3 major hurricanes. Factors influencing this forecast are an expected lack of El Nino this year, warmer than normal ocean temperatures in the tropical Atlantic and Caribbean, and a continuation of the generally favorable conditions that have prevailed since 1995.

It's important to remember that there is no skill in forecasting the number, location, or effects of hurricane landfalls this far in advance. Coastal residents should prepare each and every year - regardless of what the seasonal forecast says.

For more information on NOAA's Atlantic basin outlook, please visit:

La vida debería ser amarilla... amar y ya.


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