Handelsvolumen China-Kuba 2 Mrd Dollar

04.01.2008 06:09 (zuletzt bearbeitet: 04.01.2008 06:22)
avatar  don olafio ( gelöscht )
#1 Handelsvolumen China-Kuba 2 Mrd Dollar
don olafio ( gelöscht )
An official report issued in Havana showed that the volume of trade between Cuba and China grew by 23 percent to more than $2 billion in 2007, Reuters reported.

Chinese consumer goods are increasingly common on the island, and hundreds of Chinese-made buses and trains have helped ease chronic transportation problems, especially on long-distance routes.

China is Cuba's second-largest trading partner and the top importer of Cuban products, especially nickel and sugar, the report said.

In 2006, trade between the two countries totaled $1.8 billion, double that of 2005, China's ambassador to Havana said in March.


Don Olafio


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04.01.2008 15:26
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#2 RE: Handelsvolumen China-Kuba 2 Mrd Dollar
( Gast )

Bus richtig, Zug nein, 24 h Santiago Havanna oder mehr.


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