Meinungsfreiheit auf venezolanisch:

24.07.2007 17:03
#1 Meinungsfreiheit auf venezolanisch:
Rey/Reina del Foro

Venezuela's Chávez threatens to expel foreign critics

CARACAS, Venezuela --
(AP) -- President Hugo Chávez said Sunday that foreigners who publicly criticize him or his government while visiting Venezuela will be expelled from the country.

Chávez ordered officials to closely monitor statements made by international figures during their visits to Venezuela -- and deport any outspoken critics.

''How long are we going to allow a person -- from any country in the world -- to come to our own house to say there's a dictatorship here, that the president is a tyrant, and nobody does anything about it?'' Chávez asked during his weekly television and radio program.

The Venezuelan leader's statements came after Manuel Espino, the president of Mexico's conservative ruling party, criticized Chávez during a recent pro-democracy forum in Caracas.

Government opponents argue Chávez -- a close ally of Cuban leader Fidel Castro -- is becoming increasingly authoritarian and cracking down on dissent as he steers oil-rich Venezuela toward what he calls ``21st-century socialism.''

Chávez rejects such allegations, countering that democratic freedoms have been extended since he was first elected in 1998. The former paratroop commander says his government has empowered the poor by giving them increased decision-making authority in politics.

During Sunday's six-hour program, Chávez assured private property owners their rights will be guaranteed under a pending constitutional reform.

''Private property will be respected,'' he said.

Many wealthy Venezuelans fear second homes, yachts or other assets could be seized as Chávez advances his Bolivarian Revolution, a movement named after South American independence hero Simon Bolivar. Chávez denies any such plans.

Chávez is expected to present his reform proposal to the National Assembly, which is completely controlled by his allies, in the coming weeks. Few details have emerged from a special executive committee that he appointed to draft a proposal for overhauling the country's charter.

Also Sunday, Chávez announced an initiative to slash the salaries of Venezuela's top public servants. He said no public servant should make more than $7,000 a month. Most Venezuelans make minimum wage -- roughly $250 a month.

Reducing the pay of top officials has become a popular move in Latin America. The presidents of Nicaragua, Bolivia, Peru and Costa Rica recently cut salaries, including their own, in response to widespread criticism.

In his typically wide-ranging television program, Chávez also said Castro recently warned him to take precautions against possible U.S.-backed assassination attempts.

He said Cuba's 80-year-old ''maximum leader'' gave him a copy of former CIA Director George Tenet's recently published memoir and told him: ``'Read it, Chávez, because that is the most perfect killing machine ever invented and I'm a survivor. . . . I survived more than 600 [assassination] attempts.'''

''The CIA is everywhere,'' said Chávez, who has repeatedly warned that President Bush could order him killed.

U.S. law has forbidden assassination attempts since the 1970s, and Washington denies the U.S. government has attempted to kill Castro since then.

La vida debería ser amarilla... amar y ya.


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24.07.2007 17:17
#2 RE: Meinungsfreiheit auf venezolanisch:

Irreführender Thread-Titel, denn man kann nicht ein ganzes Land und dessen Bewohner für die Worte und Taten der Regierenden verantwortlich machen (auch wenn die meisten Leute den Mann gewählt haben).

Die Sache selbst ist harmlos, weiter besteht kein Grund zur Sorge.


„Die Demokratie ist die schlechteste aller Staatsformen, ausgenommen alle anderen.“
Winston Churchill

¡Visca Barça! [img][/img]


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24.07.2007 18:34 (zuletzt bearbeitet: 24.07.2007 19:13)
#3 RE: Meinungsfreiheit auf venezolanisch:
Rey/Reina del Foro
Zitat von chavalito
Irreführender Thread-Titel

Weiß ich.
In Antwort auf:
Die Sache selbst ist harmlos, weiter besteht kein Grund zur Sorge.

Wie üblich. Bin mal gespannt, ab wann für dich Grund zur Sorge besteht. Die Venezolaner machen sich jedenfalls schon Sorgen. Chávez' Umfragewerte fallen und die die es sich leisten können, verlassen zu Tausenden das Land ...
La emigración venezolana a EE UU alcanza las cuotas de Cuba en los años sesenta
Los balseros del aire
La vida debería ser amarilla... amar y ya.


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