Attentatsversuch in Argentinien: Kirchner beinahe von Truck überrollt

01.05.2007 10:49
avatar  don olafio ( gelöscht )
#1 Attentatsversuch in Argentinien: Kirchner beinahe von Truck überrollt
don olafio ( gelöscht )


A hijacked truck crashing just metres from President Kirchner’s home in Río Gallegos on Saturday was deemed by Roque Ocampo, a Santa Cruz government minister, to have been a premeditated attack against the president’s residence.
The driver of the truck intended to ram his vehicle into the president’s home, Ocampo averred, also claiming the enraged 33-year-old José Walter Mansilla had said he wanted "to kill the fascist who lived there." In his crazed charge through Río Gallegos Mansilla hit at least ten cars, causing serious injuries to seven different people, before the vehicle spun out of control close to the presidential residence. Mansilla is currently under observation in a psychiatric hospital.

Don Olafio


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