Embargo Embargo

10.11.2006 18:29
avatar  don olafio ( gelöscht )
#1 Embargo Embargo
don olafio ( gelöscht )

Hier mal was aus "unverdächtiger" Quelle zum allseits heißgeliebten Thema:

Foreign banks in Cuba feel heat of U.S. regulations
The Bush administration's vow to enforce U.S. regulations is stifling Cuba's ability to operate in international markets.

WASHINGTON - Weary of navigating the Treasury Department's stringent rules on money transfers to Cuba, MoneyGram International called it quits. Starting mid-September, the cash transfer company stopped serving the island.
''It was too complicated,'' said Cathy Rebuffoni, a spokeswoman for the Minneapolis-based firm, ``and we weren't getting any volumes.''
MoneyGram was the latest big-name financial services company to cut back or end its dealings with Havana under a U.S. crackdown that appears to be hitting Cuba hard, severely disrupting the government's ability to make and receive international payments.


Dann noch ein paar bäuerliche Betrachtungen:

U.S. Farmers Push for Easing Embargo on Cuba
by Adam Davidson
All Things Considered, November 9, 2006 · At Alan Juliuson's farm in Hope, N.D., a town of 300, this year's crop is good. People will be eating at Hope's one restaurant more often, and going to the sports bar. Some might buy a new pickup from the dealer down the road in Finley. A good harvest, Juliuson explains, benefits the whole county.
Getting a good harvest is the reason Juliuson cares about Cuba. Right now, pinto beans, for example, are going for 17 cents a pound. If U.S. farmers could easily sell to Cuba, Juliuson says, the price would go up by more than a few cents...


Und zum Schluss (ich kanns mir jetzt einfach nicht verkneifen) 'n bisschen "Propaganda" - aus Kanada:

Not Just Tourists bring more than luggage to Cuba
CBC News
Some travellers from Ontario and Alberta have been bringing more than just tourist dollars to countries such as Cuba — they're also packing badly needed medical supplies.
A do-it-yourself humanitarian aid group called Not Just Tourists has been filling old suitcases with donated medicine and supplies such as syringe needles and eyeglass frames to send to developing countries...


Don Olafio


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