CHE Guevara's Blumen

09.01.2006 18:51
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#1 CHE Guevara's Blumen
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Ich lese gerade das Buch von Jon Lee Anderson: CHE Guevara.
1997, 800 Seiten, 20$.
The New York Review of Books: Exhaustive and convincing
(erschoepfend und ueberzeugend)

According to Borrego:
--Che took great care too in selecting judges and prosecutors.
Rebels who had been mistreated were not allowed to pass judgment
on their former torturers.
Che is very careful. Nobody was shot for hitting a prisoner.
The trial strategy was elaborated with great care.
(In drei Monaten -Anfang 19959 - wurden 550 Leute zu Tode verurteilt,
was dem Che als Vorwurf - Assesino - gemacht wurde. Che war Haupt -Anklaeger)

--Banquet in India with Nehru
The banquet went over two hours and Nehru was interested only about meal.
Finally Che couldn't stand no longer and asked:
Mr. Prime Minister, what is your opinion about Communist China?
Nehru listened with absent expression and answered:
Mr. Commandante, have you tasted one of these delicious apples?
Mr. Prime Minister; Have you read Mao Tse-tung?
Ah, Mr. Comandante, how pleased I am that you have liked the apples.

Djakarta, Sukarno.
His current favorite in harem, was told to Che,
was a Russian woman, a gift from Nikita Khrushchev.
Sukarno insisted on showing of his private collection of paintings.
The tour went on and on. Finally Che broke the silence.
Well Mr. Sukarno, but in this entire tour we still haven't seen
the little Russian girl, who they say is the best thing in your collection.
Fortunately, Sukarno didn't understand Spanish and Argentine ambassador
translated the question about Indonesian economy.
Afterward, Che had a good laugh about it.

--Alexiev, Russian journalist/agent at 2 a.m. at Che's office:
Che, you are such a fighter against exploitation,
but I see that you exploit your secretary.
Che answers: Ah, yes! It is true, but she is not just my secretary,
She is my wife as well. ( mit ihr 4 Kinder).

--Che's mystique was grown. Among the many visitors were
Jean Paul Sartre and his wife Simone de Beauvoir.
Sartre came away extremely impressed and after Che's death he said:
Che was not only an intellectual,
but also the most complete human being of our age.


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