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FC und der fette Bush-Bruder: - Mangelnde Fitness ??
#1 FC und der fette Bush-Bruder: - Mangelnde Fitness ??

Wirklich lustig!
In Antwort auf:
Havana on the offensive as Castro lashes out at 'fat little brother' Bush· Leader reopens spat after recent mental health jibe
· Governor blames girth on lack of exercise, not greedThursday December 8, 2005
The Guardian
The Cuban leader, Fidel Castro, has finally acknowledged the governor of Florida, Jeb Bush - one of his most vociferous critics - as a political heavyweight. But his comments were a well-aimed dig at Mr Bush's expanding waistline rather than any softening of relations between Havana and Washington.
This latest round of a long-running personal feud with the Bush family follows last month's CIA assertion that the 79-year-old communist dictator was losing his mental faculties through Parkinson's disease.
Article continues ...
In Antwort auf:
Weighing inJohn Ellis (Jeb) Bush
Job Republican governor of Florida
Born February 11 1953, Texas
Weight 102kg.
Height 1.93 metres
Years in power Six
Favourite food Baked peach flambé with cream and brandy
Most prominent sibling George, 59, the US president
Most rebellious child Daughter Noelle, busted for drugs in 2002
Loves Family reunions in TexasFidel Castro Ruz
Job Cuban leader
Born August 13, 1926 Biran, Cuba
Height 1.90 metres
Weight 88kg
Years in power 46
Favourite food Cheese omelette with chillies, spaghetti with calamari
Most prominent sibling Brother Raúl, 73, Cuban defence chief and nominated successor
Most rebellious child Daughter Alina Fernández Revuelta, defected to US
Loves Cuban cigars, holds world record for long speeches
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