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Kuba will Zucker aus den USA KAUFEN !
#1 Kuba will Zucker aus den USA KAUFEN !


Natürlich wollen die Kubaner die Stimmen der Senatoren und Abgeordneten aus dem Repräsentantenhaus der Agrarstaaten aus dem mitleren Westen "kaufen", damit das Tourismusembargo aufgehoben wird.
(die Mittwestler (beide Parteien) sind die treibenden Kräfte hinter der vom Senat und Repräsentantenhaus angestrebten Aufhebung des Embargos - hier spielen handfeste Handelsinteressen eine Rolle)
Es ist aber auch notwendig Zucker aus den USA zu kaufen, um die Verpflichtungen aus langfristigen Lieferverträgen mit ausländischen Kunden erfüllen zu können.
Kuba, einst der größte Zuckerproduzent der Welt, kauft auf seinem ehemalig größten Absatzmarkt USA Zucker - was für eine Schande !!
In Antwort auf:
Planean comprar azúcar en Estados Unidos
LA HABANACuba, una vez el mayor productor azucarero del mundo, planea comprar azúcar a Estados Unidos para el consumo en la isla, informaron fuentes oficiales.
El presidente de la empresa importadora de alimentos Alimport, Pedro Alvarez, indicó que espera concretar la primera compra de azúcar estadounidense en el transcurso de la Feria Internacional de La Habana esta semana.
''Hay una compañía interesada en vender azúcar y nosotros interesados en comprar. Es probable que se materialice en la feria'', afirmó Alvarez.
La operación depende de las cuotas de exportación de azúcar en Estados Unidos, explicó una fuente empresarial.
''Por nuestra parte no hay ninguna objeción en materializarlo'', añadió Alvarez. ''Si los productores norteamericanos nos quieren vender azúcar y el precio es bueno, por qué no podemos comprarlo'', recalcó. ''Es un país cercano. Es un país de amigos. Estamos de acuerdo en comprarlo'', agregó. ``Sería una compra histórica''.
Cuba es el octavo productor de azúcar en el mundo en la actualidad. Pero, debido a la sostenida caída en la producción que obligó a reestructurar la industria el año pasado, Cuba debe importar azúcar para el mercado doméstico a fin de cumplir con sus contratos de venta en el exterior.
Cuba le ha comprado azúcar a Brasil, que desplazó a Cuba como mayor productor mundial en la primera mitad del siglo pasado. La isla se convirtió en mayor productor mundial tras la revolución en Haití en 1791. La mayor parte de la producción cubana se vendía a Estados Unidos hasta la llegada al poder de Fidel Castro, cuando EEUU impuso un embargo comercial a Cuba luego de la confiscación de propiedades norteamericanas, entre ellas varios centrales.
Las ventas a Cuba de productos agrícolas estadounidenses fueron permitidas en el 2000 por una enmienda al embargo.
Más de 71 empresas de Estados Unidos participan en la Feria Internacional de La Habana.

In Antwort auf:
Cuba was losing money on sugar, says CastroHAVANA: Cuba, a nation once synonymous with sugar, has been losing money on
the crop, said Fidel Castro, the president. His government is turning sugar
plantations into farmland and is negotiating a possible purchase of US sugar.Speaking late Friday at the close of Havana’s annual trade fair, Castro said
falling sugar prices and rising prices for the oil needed to produce the crop
made it a money-loser. “Imagine how much we would save cutting a smaller
quantity of sugar,” Castro said. “I’d prefer to cut a million and a half
(tons) than 2 million because with that million and a half we could have a
reasonable profit.”The statements appeared to be Castro’s strongest direct explanation for its
decision last year to close 70 of its nearly 160 sugar mills, transferring tens
of thousands of workers to other tasks.That decision was not easy in a nation long obsessed with the size of its
annual sugar crop, even if tourism has easily surpassed sugar as an earner of
foreign exchange in recent years.Castro quoted a famed Cuban saying, “Without sugar, there is no country.”
But he noted that competition from other cane-producing nations, as well as the
growth in corn-based sweeteners, have kept sugar prices low. “Why are we
going to produce sugar, for example, if the prices are on the floor?” he
asked rhetorically. Earlier Friday, the Communist Party daily Granma reported
that Sugar Minister Ulises Rosales del Toro said that more than 1 million
hectares (2.47 million acres) of sugar cane land are being turned over to
production of food or to forestry.And Cuba’s state import company, Alimport, said it was negotiating a possible
purchase of US sugar turning on its head Cuba’s historic role as a sugar
supplier to the United States.Wayne Carrick, an international trader for PS International of Chapel Hill,
North Carolina, said the Cubans were talking about purchase of 5,000 to 15,000
tons of sugar, though price and some other issues remained to be settled. He
said a deal might be reached within a few weeks.In the 1960s and 1970s, Castro’s government sent hundreds of thousands of
urban workers into the fields each year to help bring in the sugar harvest,
which was sold to the Soviet bloc at prices above world market levels.Production of 6 million to 7 million tons a year was common. The government
tried to hard to produce 10 million tons in 1970 that it disrupted many other
sectors of the economy.But harvests have been declining over the past decade and the collapse of the
Soviet Union took away the most lucrative market.In June 2002, Cuba closed 70 mills in a drive for greater efficiency. Harvests
slipped to 3.6 million tons in 2002. No figure has been given for this year,
but most experts say it was less than 2 million. Starved for investment, many
Cuban mills have been using equipment installed in the early 20th century.Other countries Mexico also have suffered from low sugar prices. Mexico’s
government took over 27 sugar mills in 2001 to help workers who were not being
paid. —APP/AP
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