Our Right to Travel to Cuba

06.06.2015 20:55
#1 Our Right to Travel to Cuba
Rey/Reina del Foro

William M. LeoGrande
Professor at American University in Washington, D.C.

Our Right to Travel to Cuba

Less than two years after President John F. Kennedy imposed the full embargo on trade with Cuba, his brother, Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, argued that it had been a mistake to include a ban on travel. Restoring the freedom of U.S. citizens to visit Cuba, "is more consistent with our views of a free society and would contrast with such things as the Berlin Wall and Communist controls on such travel," he wrote in December 1963. "I believe it would be wise to remove restrictions on travel to Cuba." Bobby Kennedy lost that argument. President Lyndon B. Johnson, in office only a few weeks, would not risk looking "unacceptably soft" on Castro.


La vida debería ser amarilla... amar y ya.


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06.06.2015 23:20
#2 RE: Our Right to Travel to Cuba
Rey/Reina del Foro

Klar, dass es bei den Amis z.Zt. Bestrebungen in beide Richtungen gibt, Gegner und Befürworter.

Das wird noch eine Weile andauern, aber a la Longue will auch dort keiner das einsame A.rschloch sein, das zum Schluss das Licht ausmacht
(als Metapher bezogen auf die geistigen Positionen).


Der Gesunde hat viele Wünsche - der Kranke nur einen.


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