Travel by (USA) Americans to Cuba

Umfrage: Reisen für USA Bürger nach Kuba
frei Reisen - 3 Stimmen25.00%
soll bleiben wie bis jetzt - 9 Stimmen75.00%
6 Mitglieder haben an der Abstimmung teilgenommen.
Sie haben nicht die benötigten Rechte um an der Umfrage teilzunehmen.
06.09.2003 08:47 (zuletzt bearbeitet: 06.09.2003 10:59)
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#1 Travel by (USA) Americans to Cuba
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USA Kongres wird diese Tage über die Aufhebung des Verbotes frei nach Kuba zu reisen entscheiden.
Aus dem vorigen Jahr ist bekannt, dass die Mehrheit der Representanten (DEM. und REP) für die Aufhebung ist.
Die letzte Entscheidung bleibt dann beim Bush.
Da Formular in URL ermöglicht auch nicht USA Bürgern die E-Mail zu senden,
können auch wir sie an einen Representanten senden.

Da gibt es alle Kongres Representanten

Unabhängig davon welche Einstellung die Leute zu dem pol. System in Kuba haben,
sollen wir diese Aktion unterstützen, meine ich.

Vote To Lift The Us Ban On Travel To Cuba
URL to send letter to your state rep

Wortlaut des Briefes an den Representanten:

Dear Representative:
I am writing to you as a constituent who believes that the ban on legal travel by Americans to Cuba short-changes my constitutional rights and should be lifted.

I urge you to vote YES on the Flake amendment to end the travel ban and to vote NO on false alternatives that delay reaching that goal. I believe our government should take this long-overdue action now, without delay.

The Freedom to travel should be the right of all citizens; by voting YES on the Flake travel amendment you are restoring this right to your constituents and all Americans.

Thank you very much.


From the Center for International Policy CIP Cuba Travel Ban Info

\"In early September, Congress will vote on whether to give Americans their freedom back: the freedom to travel to Cuba. Now is the time to contact your Congressional representative with a message that is simple, direct, and clear: Vote for Freedom, lift the ban on legal travel by Americans to Cuba. The vote on Cuba travel will occur in the House of Representatives in just the next few days. The freedom to travel amendment will be offered by Congressman Jeff Flake (R-AZ) and other members of the House Cuba Working Group.

Sanctions like the travel ban have existed in law for forty years, and they only serve to punish the Cuban and American people. There are voices in the Congress who like things just the way they are; these zealous supporters of the embargo and the travel ban will say anything and do anything to keep Americans from traveling to Cuba. Are they playing politics with the Cuban-American vote in Florida? Yes, they are!

But the American people want the travel ban lifted, and our Members of Congress need to know that they have your support for changing a policy that short-changes our constitutional rights.\"

To write your congressman/woman, go to this link and there is a form that will send a letter urging your state rep to vote YES on lifting the travel ban: Center for International Policy Online


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08.09.2003 09:44
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#2 RE:Travel by (USA) Americans to Cuba

Das Ausfüllen scheint nur für US-Amerikaner zu funktionieren, da man Bundesstaat und ZIP angeben muss.


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