Die Reise von Kuba in die USA - The Journey from Cuba to the USA - Havana Times

02.11.2022 21:18
#1 Die Reise von Kuba in die USA - The Journey from Cuba to the USA - Havana Times
Rey/Reina del Foro

The Journey from Cuba to the USA

HAVANA TIMES – “Making the journey” is a phrase that has become very familiar in Cuba during this 2022. When some friend or acquaintance mentions it, we automatically imagine they’re planning to take a trip where their initial destination is some South American or Caribbean country, but where the US is their final goal. In doing so, they’ll traverse part of Central America, crossing through very dangerous borders, like those of Colombia, Panama, Honduras, Guatemala, and Mexico, and paying prices so high as to include one’s very life.


La vida debería ser amarilla... amar y ya.


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03.11.2022 18:19
#2 RE: Die Reise von Kuba in die USA - The Journey from Cuba to the USA - Havana Times
Rey/Reina del Foro

Mit Kindern muss so ein Trip die Hölle sein.


Der Gesunde hat viele Wünsche - der Kranke nur einen.


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