A Republican Case for Obama’s Cuba Policy

23.06.2015 14:15
#1 A Republican Case for Obama’s Cuba Policy
Rey/Reina del Foro

The Opinion Pages | Op-Ed Contributor
A Republican Case for Obama’s Cuba Policy


Washington — I WAS born in Havana in November 1953, about six years before Fidel Castro led a revolution in Cuba. In July 1960, my family fled to the United States in search of freedom. Like many Cubans, they left behind close relatives, a business, property and memories. We lost everything.
As secretary of commerce in the administration of George W. Bush, I was a voice for American business abroad and saw firsthand that our private sector could be the best ambassador for American values, such as the power of free enterprise to raise living standards and the importance of being free to work where one chooses.

I believe that it is now time for Republicans and the wider American business community to stop fixating on the past and embrace a new approach to Cuba.


La vida debería ser amarilla... amar y ya.


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