Camagüey - Unesco Kulturerbe

27.07.2008 18:35
avatar  donapedra ( gelöscht )
#1 Camagüey - Unesco Kulturerbe
donapedra ( gelöscht )

Sorry, leider auf Englisch:

Havana -- DTC -
The historic heart of the city of Camagüey, in the
eastern Cuban province of the same name, was included in the list of
Cultural Heritage Sites of the United Nations Educational, Scientific
and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). According to experts, the city
stands out for its original urban design and religious buildings.
Camagüey, which is also known as the city of Tinajones (large
earthenware jars) and has unique characteristics, differs from other
Cuban and Latin American cities, due to its winding, narrow and unequal
streets, and its many squares. The designation of Camagüey as a Cultural
Heritage Site took place during a meeting of the UNESCO'S World Heritage
Committee in Canada.


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