Finanzbetrüger und Drogenboss Robert Vesco stirbt in Kuba

04.05.2008 06:02 (zuletzt bearbeitet: 04.05.2008 06:09)
#1 Finanzbetrüger und Drogenboss Robert Vesco stirbt in Kuba
New York Times: A Last Vanishing Act for Robert Vesco, Fugitive


After a criminal odyssey that began on Wall Street, Mr. Vesco fled the United States in 1971, along the way repeatedly demonstrating the power of money to overcome any ideology.

His associates and protectors included democratically elected presidents in Costa Rica, the left-wing Sandinistas in Nicaragua, the cocaine barons of Colombia, the terrorism-tainted government in Libya, and, finally, the Communist government of Fidel Castro.


Having lived comfortably in Havana for more than a dozen years, Mr. Vesco was convicted and jailed there for fraud in 1996 after reportedly double-crossing Fidel Castro’s relatives in a bogus wonder-drug deal.


A public and political outcry ensued, and by 1978 he was forced to leave for the Bahamas, the beginning of years of hopscotching that included stops in Antigua and Nicaragua, before Cuba finally accepted him for “humanitarian” reasons.

“We don’t care what he did in the United States,” Fidel Castro said. “We’re not interested in the money he has.”


In Cuba, Mr. Vesco grew a beard, donned a white guayabera shirt and passed himself off as a Canadian citizen named Tom Adams. He and his family lived in a suburban Havana house that was modest by United States standards but lavish for Cubans. Within a few years, allegations began to circulate about Mr. Vesco’s involvement in narcotics trafficking, and he was named as a co-conspirator in the trial in Florida of Carlos Lehder Rivas, a reputed leader of Colombia’s biggest drug cartel.

Mr. Vesco eventually ran afoul of the Castro government with a scheme to produce a wonder drug that supposedly cured cancer, AIDS, arthritis and even the common cold. He was accused of defrauding a state-run biotechnology laboratory run by Fidel Castro’s nephew, Antonio Fraga Castro, and sentenced to 13 years. After serving most of his time in a private cell in a large prison in eastern Cuba, Mr. Vesco was quietly released in 2005 and lived so simply in recent years in Havana that a friend said he did not know what had happened to his fortune.


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15.01.2015 15:11
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#2 RE: Finanzbetrüger und Drogenboss Robert Vesco stirbt in Kuba
Rey/Reina del Foro

Die SZ widmete dem Scharlatan auch einen Artikel:


In der Tradition der Viehdoktoren, Rosstäuscher und Gaukelanten, zu denen er trotz seiner avancierten Finanztricks gehörte, versprach er seinen neuen Landsleuten, den Kubanern, ein Wundermittel, das sie von allen Übeln dieser Welt mit einem Schlag befreien würde: Krebs, Aids und natürlich auch vom gemeinen Schnupfen. Da er einen Neffen Castros mit in dieses Wunderdrogengeschäft gezogen hatte, wurde der Neubürger zu 13 Jahren Haft verurteilt, die er vergleichsweise bequem in einer Sonderzelle absitzen durfte. Schließlich wurde er wegen schlechter Gesundheit vorzeitig entlassen; Vesco litt an Lungenkrebs.

Hier könnte Ihr Zitat stehen.


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