Michael Moore, Ground-Zero-Erkrankte und das kub. Gesundheitssystem...

16.04.2007 13:00
avatar  don olafio ( gelöscht )
#1 Michael Moore, Ground-Zero-Erkrankte und das kub. Gesundheitssystem...
don olafio ( gelöscht )

The production company of filmmaker Michael Moore has taken ill Ground Zero workers to Cuba to highlight the US's inferior health-care system.

The stunt was filmed as part of the controversial director's latest documentary, Sicko, which attacks American drug companies and health organisations.

Moore also wanted to highlight that health care in the communist country is free. Cuban doctors are also said to have developed new techniques for treating lung cancer and other respiratory illnesses.
The movie, which took two years to make, and may be shown at this year's Cannes Film Festival, takes aim at the medical care provided to those who worked on the toxic World Trade Centre debris pile.
Health studies have shown that thousands of workers who laboured at Ground Zero have been plagued by chronic health issues.
At one hospital alone, 70 per cent of workers tested had respiratory problems while or after working at the crash site..........


Don Olafio


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16.04.2007 15:40
avatar  Garnele
#2 RE: Michael Moore, Ground-Zero-Erkrankte und das kub. Gesundheitssystem...
Top - Forenliebhaber/in

Alleine diese Pressemitteilung lässt einen Schreiber im von Raphal_70 und seinen Pseudonymen gerne zitierten killcastro-blog zum Mord an Michael Moore aufrufen:

In Antwort auf:
Will SOMEONE please shoot this fat fuck!
Yeah, If Pat Robertson could call for someone to kill Chavez I am asking anyone who happens to walk near Michael Moore and owns a gun, to put a bullet in this fat fuck's head.
Not that I ever gave a fuck abut his 9/11 shameful antipatriotic college grade film , but now he is playing in OUR turf! He is fucking with US now and acting as a propaganda mouthpiece for THE BEAST of BIRAN!

undsoweiter undsoweiter ...
auch ein "independent journalist" for freedom and democracy in the land of the brave


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16.04.2007 15:52
avatar  derhelm
#3 RE: Michael Moore, Ground-Zero-Erkrankte und das kub. Gesundheitssystem...

Seit wann sind Blogger "Journalisten"?

Sogar Rafael hatte schon auf die vulgäre Art und das fehlende Niveau hingewiesen.
Es gibt doch genügend Spinner. Andere wünschen Bush den Tod.
Man sollte die einfach nicht ernst nehmen.

"In the poker game of life, women are the rake."


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