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Che Guevara = Osama Bin Laden
#1 Che Guevara = Osama Bin Laden
Fox News:
Last week one of the tsunami pictures took us by surprise.
It was a picture of a man giving aid to a tsunami victim while wearing a T-shirt with Usama Bin Laden’s face emblazoned on it. Of course, we shouldn’t be too surprised. A lot of Muslims live in areas where information is skewed by intense anti-U.S. propaganda.
So what’s our excuse when top-brand fashion houses sell out clothing with images of Che Guevara (search) on them? The familiar Che profile now adorns t-shirts, hats, and even, for a time, a one-piece baby outfit. And yet Fidel Castro’s right hand man had a hatred for freedom and the United States that rivaled Usama’s...,2933,143921,00.html
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