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Zugunglück bei Jamaica, Cuba

Schweres Zugunglück bei Jamaica (Provinz Havanna)
Cuban police officers observe a train which derailed Friday May 28, 2004 in San Jose De Las Lagas, 60 kms east of Havana, Cuba. The train was transporting children coming home from school. No official announcement has been made on the number of injured persons. (AP Photo/Jose Goitia)
A view of a derailed train is shown Friday May 28, 2004 in San Jose De Las Lagas, 60 kms east of Havana, Cuba. The train was transporting children coming from home from school. No official announcement has been made on the number of injured persons. (AP Photo/Jose Goitia)
A Cuban man observes a train which derailed Friday May 28, 2004 in San Jose De Las Lagas, 60 kms east of Havana, Cuba. The train was transporting children coming home from school. No official announcement has been made on the number of injured persons. (AP Photo/Jose Goitia)
Cuban police stand next to the debris of a derailed train in Jamaica, Cuba, May 28, 2004. The train was carrying approximately 900 students returning home for the weekend. Miguel Cabrera, director of Cuban railways, said that one person was killed and 73 were injured. REUTERS/Claudia Daut
Members of a Cuban rescue team look at the debris of a derailed train in Jamaica, Cuba, May 28, 2004. The train was carrying approximately 900 students returning home for the weekend. Miguel Cabrera, director of Cuban railways, said that one person was killed and 73 injured. REUTERS/Claudia Daut REUTERS
A Cuban woman cries while leaving the hospital, where the victims of a train accident are being treated, in Jamaica, Cuba May 28, 2004. A train derailed while carrying approximately 900 students returning home for the weekend. Miguel Cabrera, director of Cuban railways, said that one person was killed and 73 injured. REUTERS/Claudia Daut
#2 RE:Zugunglück bei Jamaica, Cuba

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